Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Where are we moving

After terrific business  slow down and the current GDP  growth bucks 7% in Q3, Indian economist predict a perfect storm is brewing across India’s industrial complex, one that will truly test the country’s demographic dividend. Post deminitisation industrial Q3 results has declined and whereas market strategy  for future in which new projects could be driven largely by automation and robots could put paid to the aspirations of millions of young men and women readying to join the workforce every year.as per the employment presumption it says there is no new job as per current data analysis of industrial growth.
Many financial institution who were up with new project have slack in recruitment and almost Postponed or adjusted with current employees from the other department .
Technical employees are stressed with IT companies cutting jobs and no new openings. where is the country heading for with Trumps unnatural new amendments or Modinomics.

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